Soon after Alexa Good was diagnosed with ALS, her husband and family realized the enormous task of caring for their loved one. As the days progressed and her health continued to fail, it became abundantly clear that proper medical care required expensive special assistance.
After her death, her husband, Banks H. Good, was determined to form a foundation in her name to focus attention on this disease. He realized through experience and education that most people stricken with this disease are diagnosed at a relatively young age. He also knew that without some assistance, many families would suffer severe financial stress. He passed away only days after the foundation had been approved by the IRS.
In a typical year, the foundation helps 60 or more ALS patients and their families who live in North or South Carolina. The foundation has provided for care givers, communication devices, wheelchairs, lifts, ramps, medications, medical supplies, and much more. It is the only ALS Foundation in the area designed solely to provide financial aid to those stricken with this terrible disease. All referrals must be sent via a health care provider such as a physician, ALS or MD clinic or office, Hospice, etc.
How you can help
Perhaps you, a family member, or someone you know has ALS. You can help us help others by remembering the foundation with contributions, memorials, or honorariums, and by sharing this website with others. Our Board is always looking for additional means of raising funds to benefit those who are stricken with ALS. Are you a member of a club, organization or church group? Please consider sponsoring a fund raiser or making a donation so that we can help others in the future.